
Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona, Campigna


In particular areas of Casentino (Vallesanta - Chiusi della Verna), as well as in isolated parts of Romagna, the pork meat processing has always led to the production of a very particular cold cut which is obtained from the pork jowl: the so-called Gota. A "rich" and sapid meat with excellent organoleptic features, suitable also for people who used to work hard in the forests and in the fields and needed a considerable supply of calories at a low cost. Gota gets salted for two weeks and is preserved by hanging it on a beam of a dry room where it matures for at least one month.

Current Production Area in the Park
Bibbiena, Chiusi della Verna, Poppi, Pratovecchio, Santa Sofia, Stia.

It is rather small, with a triangular or trapezoidal shape and a thickness which never goes beyond 10cm. The meat is reach with lean parts which are not continuous but well distributed, giving it a good texture. It is an extremely tasty meat, that can be eaten with Tuscan bread or combined with other food like eggs and potatoes.

Product Seasonality
Gota is ideal in every time of the year, but it is advisable to taste it during the winter.

The Producers
Typology: Butcher's Shops
Locality: San Piero in Bagno (FC)
Typology: Butcher's Shops
Locality: Santa Sofia (FC)
Typology: Agricultural Holdings
Locality: Pratovecchio (AR)
Typology: Others
Locality: Pratovecchio (AR)
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