
Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona, Campigna

Tortello sulla lastra

There are no historical written evidences about tortello sulla lastra. It has always been considered one of the specialties of the territory lying between Romagna and Tuscany and is without a doubt one of the best "poor" products obtained from the combination of the products coming from the lean lands of the Apennine ridge. Common wheat flour and pumpkin cooking water for the sheet of pastry, adding pumpkin, potatoes, garlic, onion, bacon, bacon fat, and pecorino for the stuffing: these are the main ingredients of tortello, to which today also Parmigiano reggiano cheese is added. The product has been named after the cooking method, on a sandstone slab (piastra in Italian) which, with its particular roughness and uniform distribution of heat, optimizes the cooking.

Current Production Area in the Park
Bagno di Romagna, Portico-San Benedetto, Pratovecchio, Premilcuore, Santa Sofia.

It seems a big raviolo whose size goes from 10 to 20cm of length and 1cm of thickness. It has a strong but not aggressive taste which is obtained from the combination of pumpkin, garlic, and bacon mixed with a potato cream.

Product Seasonality
In the pasts, its production was linked to the pumpkin ripening period; today, it is possible to eat it from October to April.

Tortello sulla lastra
Tortello sulla lastra
The Producers
Typology: Others
Locality: Santa Sofia (FC)
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