Brochure dedicated to Nature Trails
Nature Trails are hiking routes of a few kilometers along which it is possible to carry out a "self-guided" tour in order to discover and recognize some local features.
List of the stops:
L'abete bianco - The silver fir
L'abetina di Campigna - The silver fir woodland in Campigna
Il mondo nascosto del suolo - The concealed subterranean world
L'abete rosso - The spruce fir
Il sottobosco - The undergrowth
La formica rufa - The Southern Wood Ant
Geologia e vegetazione - Geology and vegetation
Piccoli uccelli - Small birds
Verso un bosco naturale - Towards and natural woodland
La salute dell'abete bianco - The health of the silver fir
- Publisher: Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona e Campigna
- Pages: 24
- Size: 11x22cm
- Price: 2.00 €