
Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona, Campigna

A Piedi nel Parco 2

20 escursioni, con il viaggio di Dino Campana, la TransParco e il Sentiero delle Foreste Sacre. Per scoprire a piedi le foreste più belle d'Italia

The lucky book series of the publications about hiking goes on: after "In Bici nel Parco" and "A Piedi nel Parco" (now at its third edition), "A Piedi nel Parco 2" has been realized.
Created by the Park's Promotion Service together with Sandro Bassi, the book has maintained its "country" look, with the pages bound through a spiral to make it easier and more effective to consult it.
Edited by Comunicazione.
The news can be found in the contents: 20 new excursions, the journey of Dino Campana, the Transparco and the Path of the Sacred Forests, everything on 160 pages with descriptive texts, parts of the hiking map and the altimetry for a safe choice of the routes.
  • Author/s: Sandro Bassi
  • Publisher: ComunicAzione
  • ISBN: 978-88-7585-016-6
  • Pages: 160
  • Size: 16x21cm
  • Year: 2016
  • Price: 16.00 €  
A Piedi nel Parco 2
A Piedi nel Parco 2
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