
Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga

Second transnational meeting of the VALOR project

(Assergi, 17 Aug 20) The second transnational meeting of the VALOR project "Valorisation of ancient farming techniques in resilient and sustainable agriculture" 612501-EPP-1-2019-1-EN-EPPKA2-KA took place online on 29th and 30th July.

The VALOR project, co-funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme, is a three-year project that aims to develop a framework of professional skills in resilient and sustainable agriculture and provide young farmers in particular with the necessary tools to undertake this type of activity through specific freely accessible online training courses.

VALOR is promoted by the Gran Sasso-Laga National Park Authority in cooperation with the Management Agency of the National Park of Olympus (Greece), the Natural Park of the Black Forest Centre-North (Germany), the University of Thessaly (Greece), Stefan Cel Mare University.

Suceava (Romania) and some international partners such as Makro, Management Development Consultancy Company (Turkey), the Centre for Forest Science and Technology of Catalonia (Spain), Syntesis - Centre for Research and Education Ltd (Cyprus) and Integra Filder, Education Promotion Association (Germany).

Despite the discomforts and related restrictions of the pandemic, the project did not stop and on July 29th and 30th the second meeting was held as planned.

Although the spirit of the project implies the sharing of experiences and direct confrontation between different European realities, the online modality has guaranteed the full participation of the project staff achieving appreciable results. It was thus possible to set new intermediate deadlines that will allow to reach the first tangible results.

We also shared the need to carry out as soon as possible, when the pandemic crisis will allow it, the first Visit Studies in the field, a fundamental activity to provide tangible contributions to ensure the proper development of the skills framework of training courses in resilient agriculture. Another milestone towards the construction of the Alliance has however been reached and has given further value to the project itself.

Visit the project's website to keep up to date and not miss out on its contents:

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Second transnational meeting of the VALOR project
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