
Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga

Tourist Itinerary in the High Summits District

From Capannelle Pass to Campo Imperatore

  • Trail Conditions: Car
  • Interest: Panorama, Hystory
  • Departure: Valico delle Capannelle
  • Arrival: Campo Imperatore

From Valico delle Capannelle, go down to Arischia and S. Vittorino, preserving the ruins of the ancient Amiternum.
Going ahead along the road SS 80, you will reach L'Aquila.
L'Aquila is a town rich in monumental buildings, including the Basilica of S. Maria di Collemaggio (13th century), the Fontana delle 99 Cannelle (13th century), the Basilica of S. Bernardino da Siena (16th century), and the 16th century castle housing Abruzzi National Museum.
Many of these beauties were damaged by the earthquake of 6th April 2009 and are undergoing renovations.

Further information
Pietralsieri Lake
Pietralsieri Lake
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