
Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga

Civitella del Tronto Fortress

One of the most monumental and imposing military engineering works of Italy

Civitella del Tronto Fortress is one of the most monumental and imposing military engineering works in Italy, with its over 500 meters of length and its surface area covering 25,000 square meters. The importance of Civitella depended on the decision taken around the late 13th century by the Angevins – ruling Southern Italy – and by the Pope to position here the border between the Kingdom of Naples and the Papal States. Such position, together with the harsh nature of the territory, transformed the town into one of the most strategic areas to watch over the northern borders and customs.

Further information

Municipality: Civitella del Tronto (TE) Region: Abruzzi
(10121)Civitella del Tronto
Civitella del Tronto
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