
Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga

St John ad Insulam Church

It lies at about two kilometers and a half downhill of Isola del Gran Sasso (TE), on lands probably belonging in the past to the Benedictine monastery of S. Vincenzo al Volturno. Its origins probably date back to the Roman period and it seems it was built on a temple dedicated to Mars. As a matter of fact, "Mavone", the other name of the church, derives from "Mavors", meaning Mars in the Etruscan language.

Further information

Municipality: Isola del Gran Sasso d'Italia (TE) Region: Abruzzi
(13428)St John ad Insulam Church
St John ad Insulam Church
(11509)San Giovanni ad Insulam
San Giovanni ad Insulam
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