
Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga

Madonna della Tibia Sanctuary

Santa Maria della Tibia or Madonna della Tibia Church lies on a cliff situated at 1,187m asl, dominating the town of Crognaleto. According to the tradition, the small sanctuary, founded in 1617, would be the ex-voto of an ancient merchant from Amatrice who, after falling into a gorge exactly in that point, invoked the Virgin Mary and went home only with a broken shinbone (tibia). On the other hand, according to historical sources, the locality housing the church was already known with the name of "Tibbla" in the 12th century.

Further information

Municipality: Crognaleto (TE) Region: Abruzzi
(14225)Madonna della Tibia Church
Madonna della Tibia Church
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