
Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga

Saint Bartholomew Abbey

12th century, one of the most beautiful and best preserved monuments of the Cistercian medieval art of Abruzzi

Of the ancient Saint Bartholomew fortress-abbey founded in 962 by Bernardo from Linduno, only the church with its beautiful façade preceded by a portico with two arcades remains. The building combines Romanesque-style and Burgundian features. The rectangular portal with doorjambs and architrave decorated with a ribbon carved with vegetable volutes encloses a rich fantastic bestiary which recalls, in the style and decoration theme, the hand of Maestro Acuto, author of the ambon of Pianella.

Further information

Municipality: Carpineto della Nora (PE) Region: Abruzzi
(14442)Saint Bartholomew Abbey
Saint Bartholomew Abbey
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