
Pollino Jam

History: exclusively handmade products, jam are obtained processing spontaneous fruits collected by hand, without adding colorings, preservatives, aromas, or artificial jelling agents. The collection and processing time is reduced as much as possible in order to preserve the organoleptic features of fresh fruit.

  • Territory: Pollino National Park
  • Consistency: varying according to the fruit
  • Production features: jam do not undergo forced preservation processes, they are obtained from spontaneous products, and are produced with organic farming methods.
Further information

Pollino Jam
Pollino Jam
The Producers
Typology: Agricultural Holdings
Locality: Terranova di Pollino (PZ)
Typology: Agricultural Holdings
Locality: Terranova di Pollino (PZ)
Typology: Confectioner's Shops
Locality: Chiaromonte (PZ)
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