
Raw Milk Pecorino Cheese

Production features: The milk is heated to a temperature of 38/39°C. At this temperature, lamb's or kid's rennet is added to the dough. After about 30-40 minutes, the curd is ready to be broken into small grains. The cheese is then extracted from the whey and placed into the baskets, where it stands draining for about 15 minutes.

  • Territory: Pollino National Park
  • Shape: cylindrical
  • Size/Weight: about 1-3 kilos, Ø 15-30cm
  • Consistency: compact
  • Production period: all the year round (pecorino), January-August (Pollino caciotta)
Further information

The Producers
Typology: Others
Locality: San Paolo Albanese (PZ)
Typology: Agricultural Holdings
Locality: Viggianello (PZ)
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