
Le Favole Dei Parchi Della Basilicata

"Le Favole Dei Parchi Della Basilicata" is a mosaic made up of ideas of the primary school pupils representing the five Parks of Basilicata during creative writing workshops supported by one of the Italy's most important writers and poets, Roberto Piumini.

The "Le Favole dei Parchi della Basilicata" book is one of the two original productions realised as part of the "NaturArte Basilicata" project, promoted by the Region's Environment Department together with the 5 Lucanian Parks. The project, whose artistic direction is entrusted to Luigi Esposito, an official of the Murgia Materana Park Authority, was created with the aim of increasing interest in and usability of the Parks, especially among the younger generations. The project is also aimed at making the environment and territories known and, above all, respected through direct experience, as well as at fostering and enhancing the creativity, narrative and descriptive expressiveness and imagination of young people.
The book was then enlivened by illustrations by cartoonist Giuseppe Palumbo and a play by the company "Teatro PAT (Puppets and Actors Theater)".

"Writing in the theatrical form is", according to Roberto Piumini, "the form that is best suited to reading (and 'performing') well for children. Stories are to be read aloud, with different voices, in chorus and performed as a show. The stories are not only proposals for individual reading, or listening, but are the first material for possible social, expressive, and creative games."

If you want, click on the link below to download the digital version of a work involving young Lucanian students.

NaturArte artistic director: Luigi Esposito
Texts (re-elaboration of the texts by the pupils of the schools involved): Roberto Piumini
Illustrations: Giuseppe Palumbo
Layout: Miriam D'Ignazio
Printed by: Antezza Tipografi Matera

The volume is part of the "NaturArte – sui Sentieri dei Parchi della Basilicata" Project
  • Year: 2023
Le Favole Dei Parchi Della Basilicata
Le Favole Dei Parchi Della Basilicata
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