
Vesuvio's Plums

The cultivation of the plum tree in the Vesuvio's area dated back to centuries ago and to this day the region has specimens of renowned fame and particular value for the organoleptic characteristics of their fruit. Among these one can highlight the following: Pappacona, Pazza, Turcona, and Scarrafona which have in common their great taste, unique shelf-life, but also a low resistance to manipulation. 

The Pazza plum has a yellow-orangy peel and a medium size, the Turcona has an elongated shape and a yellow peel with white stripes and with the pulp adherent to the kernel as well as a medium-size stalk. It is considered the best among the Vesuvio's plum trees but is slowly being replaced by new cultivars.
Lastly, the Scarrafona is very small and has a purple colour, similar to the one of a cockroach (scarafaggio in Italian and scarrafone in Neapolitan), reason why it has its name. Its pulp is green, very tasty and great for jams.

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