

The Products of Vesuvio: The Heart of the Italian Agri-foodstuffs

Agri-foodstuffs represent for our country a strategic section both for the economy and for the national production development.
Not by chance, one of the most important challanges of Vesuvio National Park regards traditional local products. The mission of Vesuvio Park Authority is to combine the promotion of local identities and the safeguard of a territory that has been victim of abuses and illegality for a long time.
As a matter of fact, the Park Authority is paying particular attention to local production activities and is committed to the achievement of the various labels of Protected Geographical Indication and Protected Designation of Origin. This is the best way to safeguard and enhance the products that have been always characterizing the territory of Vesuvio for their quality.

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Piennolo cherry tomatoes of Vesuvius PDO
Piennolo cherry tomatoes of Vesuvius PDO
Found 15 results (Sort order: Category > Product)
History Its origins are linked to a legend whose protagonist is the syren Partenope. According to the legend, she used to live in the Gulf of Naples and, each spring, used to emerge from the waters to sing for the people of the gulf. One year, her singing...
Category: Sweets
Catalanesca Grape
History This fruit has been named after its geographical origins: it was imported from Catalonia by Alfonso I of Aragon in the 15th century and was planted on the slopes of Mt. Somma, between Somma Vesuviana and Terzigno. On these fertile lands, the grape...
Category: Fruit
Del Monte Cherry
History In Campania there is a great cherry cultivation tradition, in particular in the province of Naples. The area of Vesuvius, especially the slopes of Mt. Somma, is famous for the production of the so-called Ciliegia del Monte or Durona Del Monte,...
Category: Fruit
Vesuvio Apricots
History One of the first reliable documents on the presence of apricot trees in Campania is written by Gian Battista Della Porta, a scientist from Naples who, in 1583, in his work "Suae Villae Pomarium" makes a distinction between two kinds of apricots:...
Category: Fruit
The cultivation of the plum tree in the Vesuvio's area dated back to centuries ago and to this day the region has specimens of renowned fame and particular value for the organoleptic characteristics of their fruit. Among these one can highlight the...
Category: Fruit
History Nocillo has very ancient origins and its preparation is characterized by an accurate and almost ritual method. Its main ingredients, that is green walnuts, must be harvested and cut on St John's Eve, on 23rd June. As a matter of fact, on...
Category: Liquors and Distilled beverages
History In the woodlands of Somma Vesuvio, one of the best honey of Italy is produced. Honey is a product whose origins are very ancient: it was already known by the ancient Egyptians for its antiseptic properties and it was considered a symbol of purity...
Category: Honey
Piennolo Cherry Tomato of Vesuvius PDO
History Without a doubt, the cultivation of Piennolo Cherry Tomato on the slopes of Vesuvius has ancient and well-documented roots. Mentioning only the most famous historical sources, news on this product are given by Bruni in 1858, in its "Degli ortaggi...
Category: Vegetables and Legumes
Contrary to popular belief, the Pomodorino Giallo (Yellow Tomato) is the original version of the berry. Its name, pomodoro, coming from the words for 'golden apple' is proof in of itself. It is in the Mediterranean, in the midst of the 17th Century,...
Category: Vegetables and Legumes
History The bakers working in the Municipalities of the Vesuvius are considered bread-making masters for the production of bread shapes that have maintained both original production method and ingredients, and therefore represent genuine and top-quality...
Category: Bread
A traditional, typical and widespead product. Each bakery in the Vesuvius area keeps and hands down recipes with specific quantities of yeast to put in the mixture, or of resting periods for the dough. The bakers are considered masters in the production...
Category: Bread
History Prickly lettuce pizza was a traditional dish prepared at Christmas Eve, the day on which only a light meal was consumed, waiting for the banquet of the day after. Today it is prepared on many occasions, but still according to the traditional recipe...
Category: Bread
History The stockfish and dried salted cod processing probably dates back between the late 16th century and the beginning of the following century. The reasons that led to localize such processing in the area of Vesuvius are uncertain: this probably...
Category: Fish
History The tradition of pasta production in Naples and province dates back to the last decades of the 19th century, period in which a pasta production district was created in the heart of the area of Vesuvius. At the end of the 19th century, there were...
Category: Rice Pasta and Cereals
Lacryma Christi del Vesuvio DOC
History The wine of Vesuvius is a product playing an important role in the national and international wine history, since it is known all over the world. Haec iuga quam Nysae colles plus Bacchus amavit, "These ridges Bacchus loved more than the hills...
Category: Wine
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