
Points of Interest

Points of Interest in the Park

P.L.I.S. del Po e del Morbasco has been established according to the former law 86/83, with D.P.G.R. n° 46869 of 18/11/1999.
It is a fluvial park of about 500 hectares, crossed by the river Po and by the watercourses Morbasco and Morta, entirely situated in the Municipality of Gerre dè Caprioli (at the gates of Cremona). For most people in Cremona the Park has become a place where to spend time during the weekend, walk, go by bike, on horseback or where to stroll around the charming street market held on Sunday.
The most populated center (about 900 inhabitants) is Bosco ex Parmigiano, situated on the left back of the river Po, while on the right bank there is the area called Isolone.
The ancient strayings of the river still signal the territory in a charming manner with the residual wetlands.
The Municipality has paid particular attention to the maintenance of the natural evidences, with the forest requalification and the environmental enhancement of the natural areas which have been allowed by the State Property since 1996, and of the riparian areas along Morbasco and Morta.
Part of the territory, about 30 hectares, is characterized by the long and charming "Luna" beach where, in summer, bathing activities and sport fishing are practiced, while in autumn and winter, avifauna sighting activities are practiced.
Unique for the plain of Cremona is the carex wood situated along the watercourse Morta.
At the borders of the Park there is the horse riding center "Bugatti", in the homonymous farmstead.
We must mention the presence of architectural complexes like the "Lombardy farmsteads with a closed courtyard", built since 1700, with significant evidences in the area of Gerre dè Caprioli (farmsteads Bugatti, Torrioni and Pandolfa).
These rather well-preserved buildings are an important evidence of the architectural culture of Cremona (use of brickwork, bent tiles and bricks typical of the ancient kilns of Cremona) and of the typical premises: master's houses, farmers' houses, stud farms, cattlesheds, barns, and huge threshing floors.
A particular interesting local aspect is apiculture, an activity which is being carried out by private citizens in a specialized structure for the reproduction of the "queen bee".
There are also restaurants, taverns, and typical bars and clubs of the Po area and of the countryside of Cremona.
The Park is crossed by the cycling track of Golena del Po (from Cremona to Stagno Lombardo) and by different pedestrian routes.

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