
Parco Naturale del Po Piemontese
Identity Card
Surface Area: 11'777.65 ha
Provinces: AL, CN, TO, VC
Establishment: 2019
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Po River and Monferrato Hills as seen from the fortress of Verrua (photo by Andrea Miola)

The Park of Piedmont Po was established by Regional Law No 11 on March 27th, 2019.
Before that date, individual areas along the Piedmont portion of the Po river which had special environmental or landscape value, or which were threatened by possible property development, were protected by a system of nature reserves, picnic areas and safeguard areas. Three different Park Authorities would manage these sites, which all belonged to the "System of Protected Areas of the Po River Banks", established by Piedmont Region Law No 28 on April 17th, 1990.
The 2019 Law subsequently ruled that all the individual protected areas along the Piedmont section of the Po banks, between Casalgrasso and the border with Lombardy, would constitute a single protected area: Parco naturale del Po piemontese.
Its most distinguishing feature is clearly the Po, Italy’s longest and most important river and  also the trait d'union of Piedmont Po protected areas.
The Park is entirely on flatland, but often borders with hill areas on the right of the river.

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Identity Card
Surface Area: 11'777.65 ha
Provinces: AL, CN, TO, VC
Establishment: 2019
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