
Il gatto, l'albero, il delfino / C'era una volta a Portofino

Short tale of a Park tales

...In the heart of the old holm oaks, in the roots of the young chestnut trees, among the foliage of the strawberry trees, from bud to bud, from den to den, you can hear the adventures of small and big friends: Gigi la Luna, the shy Arfax, the beautiful Ondaurine, the old Magic Tree, and many other guests of my Park. To them and to you, children, who are looking at my silhouette and my bays, who climb my trails and cross my woodlands, I want to reveal some secrets of my tale. A small tale, among the tales of a Park, that I hope you will not forget soon. In this book tales derive from nature and imagination, but I know other tales deriving from the memories of real characters, and that I will tell you some day...
  • Author/s: Franco Picetti
  • Publisher: Sagep
  • Pages: 60
  • Size: 24x21cm
  • Year: 2000
  • Price: 7.75 €  
Il gatto, l'albero, il delfino / C'era una volta a Portofino
Il gatto, l'albero, il delfino / C'era una volta a Portofino
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