
Le felci del Parco di Portofino

It is the first volume of the series "La natura del Parco", published to promote the knowledge of a group probably neglected by many people for its lack of flowers, but fascinating to the extent that the Park has dedicated to it a small botanic garden and two specific itineraries, illustrated by folders and panels. Ferns, or better pteridophytes, are not very know plants deserving particular attention for their strong dependence on water, element in which the Park is particularly rich in some of its environments. With 30 different entities, described in detail in the volume, out of the 130 present in Italy, the Park offers a rich selection of the Italian pteridophyte heritage, describing it in a volume which is pleasant to skim through thanks to its images, ideal both for the simple reader for the general features it includes and for specialists who can find in it significant information, the result of a three-year long research activity.
  • Series: La natura del Parco
  • Author/s: Remo Bernardello e Alberto Girani
  • Publisher: Il Parco di Portofino Edizioni
  • Pages: 100
  • Year: 2011
  • Price: 12.00 €  
Le felci del Parco di Portofino
Le felci del Parco di Portofino
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