The departure and arrival point is situated near the Hotel "Ai Ciclamini" and the annexed guest house.
Such structures represent a useful logistic support for visitors, as well as, thanks to the presence of an adequately equipped Park Information Point, a point of reference where they can receive information on the local environmental features.
The trail, with kerb and guiding rope, develops for about 550 meters; the features of the road bed and the modest slopes make it suitable also for wheelchair users.
Specific didactic panels - also for blind people - provide information if you want to discover more about the flora, fauna, landscape, and history of the Park area, with particular attention to the territory of the southern slope of Musi Mountains.
The Information Center/Guesthouse "Ai Ciclamini" is a structure where you can receive specific information on the Park area and the surroundings. It consists of two roomy halls welcoming up to 24 persons; in the Information Center you will also find a bookshop, exhibit panels dedicated to the natural features of the area, as well as a small area with chairs and tables, useful for meetings; moreover, the Center is also equipped with a special section for blind people with a touch relief model representing the whole area of the Friulane mountains.
From the highway A23 Venice - Tarvisio, exits Udine Nord or Gemona, according to where you come from; go ahead along S.S. 13 Pontebbana Udine - Tarvisio, following the indications to Tarcento Alta Val del Torre (SS road 646).
Download the leaflet of the trail (PDF, Italian text - 338Kb)
Information: Parco Naturale delle Prealpi Giulie, Information Center/Guest house "Ai Ciclamini" - Loc. Pian dei Ciclamini - 33010 Lusevera (UD) - Tel. 0432/787916 - 334/3251336 -