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Trebbia near Rivalta (photo by PR Trebbia)
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Trebbia river bank (photo by Angelo Battaglia)
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The river Trebbia (photo by Angelo Battaglia)

Water and Biodiversity… a heritage to discover and to protect!

The Trebbia Regional River Park safeguards about 30 kilometers of the water course of the same name, from Rivergaro up to the confluence with the Po river, by the western borders of Piacenza's urban area, and upstream it includes about five kilometers of the Po river bank in the territory of Piacenza. The landscape is characterized by the wide dry areas in the bed of the river Trebbia which are very important for the migratory bird species, and by the river terraces where grasslands and shrubs alternate with traditional agricultural cultivations and areas still subject to mining activities.
Within the Park there are two Sites of Community Importance and Special Protection Areas (SCI and SPAs) of the Natura 2000 Network (IT4010016 "Basso Trebbia", IT4010018 "Fiume Po da Rio Boriacco a Bosco Ospizio") and a regional area (ID 2029 Croara).

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Identity Card
Surface Area: 4'031.00 ha
Provinces: PC
Establishment: 2009
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