
Parco Naturale del Marguareis

Identity Card
Surface Area: 8'043.00 ha
Provinces: CN
Establishment: 1978
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(photo by Parchi e Riserve Naturali Cuneesi)

The Park houses the most important alpine karstic system of Piedmont, with over 150 km of explored caves reaching the 1,000m of depth. The landscape is characterized by large forests of silver firs, beech, and larch trees. For its geographical position and climate, Pesio Valley boasts an extraordinary variety of floristic species (about 1,500) including both continental alpine species and Mediterranean species, among which Cypripedium calceolus, Saxifraga cernua, Phyteuma cordatum, and Viola pinnata stand out.

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Identity Card
Surface Area: 8'043.00 ha
Provinces: CN
Establishment: 1978
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