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Rice Pasta and Cereals

Corn Flour Varieties for Polenta and Stone-milled Rice Flour Varieties


Most flour varieties are stone-milled, enabling the presence of the germ in the flour and to obtain it in one only passage without heating it up. This process gives the opportunity to obtain flour varieties which are more nourishing, more digestible, and more scented. They are ideal flours to cook polenta, prepare sweets and bread, and to fry. Rice flour, something new in cooking, it can be used for coating, in order to make it lighter, to prepare biscuits and light cakes, rice creams for babies, etc. It also represents a valid alternative to the other cereal flours for the people with gluten intolerance.

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PR Sud Milano

Further Categories
of Products in the Park:

Preserves, Sweets, Cheese, Honey, Vegetables and Legumes, Autochthonous Breed and Meat, Rice Pasta and Cereals, Cold Cuts, Further Products

List of the Producers: