
Aree Protette della Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale


Protected Areas

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  • Aree Protette della Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale :
    • Regions: Lazio
    • Provinces: Roma



The Province of Rome as Park Authority

The Province of Rome is characterized by the presence of several environments of great naturalistic, landscape, historical, and cultural value; an extremely rich and complex flora both as far as ecology and geobotany are concerned (this territory has been defined as "floral melting pot") and a fauna rich in species according to the habitat diversification.
Out of the several parks, reserves, and natural monuments forming the system of protected areas of the province of Rome (more than forty fragments of territory with different protection regimes), six are directly managed by the Provincial Administration, through the Environment Service of the Department V "Risorse agricole, ambientali e Protezione civile".
Monte Soratte Nature Reserve, Monte Catillo Nature Reserve, Nomentum Nature Reserve, and Macchia di Gattaceca e Macchia del Barco Nature Reserve have been established and entrusted to the Province of Rome with L.R. n. 29 of 6/10/97. The Natural Monument "Palude di Torre Flavia", a wetland of great naturalistic interest, had been already established and entrusted to the Provincial Administration with a Decree by the President of the Regional Board of Lazio (613/97). Afterwards, with L.R. 29/99, Villa Borghese di Nettuno Nature Reserve was established: however, since it is a private property, it cannot be visited.

Photo by The Province of Rome as Park AuthorityPhoto by The Province of Rome as Park Authority
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