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(05 Set 13) The Protected Areas Department of the Province of Prato and the Managing Body for the Parks and Biodiversity of Eastern Emilia invite you to take part in the conference to present the results achieved with the LIFE+ "Waterskiing" project. The conference - entitled "La coesist...
Protected area: PR Laghi Suviana Brasimone  |  Fonte: Ente Parchi e Biodiversità - Emilia Orientale
A long journey in the Northern Apennine
(04 Lug 13) Wednesday 10th July at 3.00 pm in the cartographic archive of the Emilia-Romagna Region (viale Aldo Moro 28/30) the guide, the hiking cartography and the teaser of the documentary by Enrico Brizzi will be presented. Participants: - Monica Palazzini and Antonella Lizzani - Parks Service a...
Protected area: Diverse  |  Fonte: Ente Parchi e Biodiversità - Emilia Orientale
Alta Via dei Parchi
Discovering the Alta Via dei Parchi
(16 Mag 13) Hikes, concerts and shows from 1st June to 8th September 2013. PDF Calendar of the events (4,3Mb) ...
Protected area: Diverse  |  Fonte: Ente Parchi e Biodiversità - Emilia Orientale
Alta Via dei Parchi
On the occasion of the European Week of Parks from 19th to 26th May
(14 Mag 13) The many initiatives organized in this week have become moments of celebration and meeting, but also useful opportunities to confirm the value of the Parks and of the environmental safeguard. Both if a path is inaugurated and traditional dances are performed, both if one takes part in a ...
Protected area: Diverse  |  Fonte: Ente Parchi e Biodiversità - Emilia Orientale
Newsletter Parks day
(18 Apr 13) The first results of a traineeship attended by Giovanni Bombieri - a Forestry Sciences and Technologies student - which will be collected in his graduation thesis, showed the presence of a substantial Italian Agile Frog (Rana latastei) population in the Bosco Nordio Nature Reserve, a frog species in...
Protected area: PR Delta Po ER  |  Fonte: PR Delta Po ER
Rana latastei- Bosco Nordio -Foto Jacopo Richard – Veneto Agricoltura
Rana latastei- Bosco Nordio -Foto Jacopo Richard – Veneto Agricoltura
(18 Apr 13) Within the activities of the LIFE Project in progress continue the monitoring of the ponds carried out in 2011 with the concrete C6 action. Recent good news is the colonization of some ponds in the Reserve by young specimens of Common Spadefoot (Pelobates fuscus) coming from the reintroductions carr...
Protected area: PR Delta Po ER  |  Fonte: PR Delta Po ER
Pelobate fosco a Bosco Nordio- Foto Luca Bedin
Pelobate fosco a Bosco Nordio- Foto Luca Bedin
Researches and enhancement of the paleontological deposits in Emilia-Romagna
(12 Mar 13) On Saturday 23rd March 2013 - Multimedia library of San Lazzaro di Savena, Sala Eventi A day to reflect on some of the most significant regional paleontological deposits and their contribution to the knowing of the ancient environments now disappeared. Scientific update, didactics and use, oriented ...
Protected area: PR Gessi Bolognesi  |  Fonte: Ente Parchi e Biodiversità - Emilia Orientale
Paleohabitat - Saturday 23rd March 2013
The National Park asks for citizens' opinions
(10 Gen 13) The Appennino Tosco-Emiliano National Park Authority launches a consultation involving all the citizens who live in the ridge, those who usually visit the Apennine, the tourists and all the people living, working or spending their spare time in Park's territory. Through this tran...
Protected area: PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano  |  Fonte: PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano
What do you think about it? Sharing goals, identifying priorities.
(02 Gen 13) The Apennines remember the International Holocaust Remembrance Day (italian text) The territory remembers the many medals of valor On the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day many memorials and initiatives take place in the Appennino Tosco-Emiliano National Park Na...
Protected area: PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano  |  Fonte: PN Appennino Tosco-Emiliano
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