The Environmental Education Center of the Province of Savona promotes initiatives, activities, and projects dealing with environmental education, information, and environmental communication.
Activities venue: Cascina Miera
The Mountain hut and the Environmental Education Center "Cascina Miera" is an ancient building restored in 2014. It is very well equipped for both the carrying out of environmental education activities and the accomodation of hikers walking the paths of the Alta Via dei Monti Liguri and Bormida Natura. The Mountain hut and environmental education center "Cascina Miera" is accessible for people with disabilities.
Period: The environmental education center is open on April, May, June, September, October and November.
Kind of activity:
For information and bookings: Provincia di Savona Via Sormano 12 - 17100 Savona Tel. +39 019 8313311 - E-mail: - website:
Click here to find all the Environmental Education Proposals (Italian text)