The word "baraggia" indicates a woody habitat characterized by the presence of oaks, birches and hornbeams and by an underwood made of wild heather. The Reserve protects some parts of the original Baraggia, which once extended itself on a wide surface. Nowadays, only some "islands" of it have remained, because of the reclamation activities carried out in order to favour rice-growing.
The fauna of this area is very interesting from a naturalistic point of view, in particular the entomofauna, with some rare and endemic species: among the others: Agnonium livens, A. ericeti, Bembidion humerale, the beetle Catops westi which can be found only in another station in Italy and, among the lepidopterans, the very rareCoenonympha oedippus.
(the following links lead to Italian texts)
The habitat is made up of a plateau characterized by pebbly heaps with a geomorphology which is unique in Europe. The original geomorphology was modified by man during the centuries. In the past, gold could be found in the streams Elvo and Olobbia. The extraction was carried out during the Roman and pre-Roman times and led to the accumulation of waste stones which gave the landscape its current shape: it is still possible to see pebbly heaps alternating with narrow hollows.
From a naturalistic point of view the area is very interesting since it presents a great variety of botanical species, some of which are also rare. Moreover, the entomological fauna is also very rich.
The Gold search is still a local tradition.
(the following links lead to Italian texts)
The area represents the last spurs of the hills of Biella and is characterized by the presence, at the top of the Brich, of a castle that was rebuilt on ancient foundation, in the early decades of the latest century.
Part of the area surrounding the castle is characterized by the presence of some exotic arboreal species with some particularly precious specimens deriving from the pre-existing garden. The remaining area is dominated by chestnut trees, as well as locust trees, oaks, cherry trees. The castle will be provided with rooms for meetings and exhibits.