
Riserva Naturale Orientata Cavagrande del Cassibile

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Landscape (photo by RR Cavagrande del Cassibile)

The Eden of Oriental Planetrees

Along the banks of the river, for some meters, you will have the opportunity to get surrounded by the coolness of the riparian wood where Mediterranean Willows, White and Black Poplars, French Tamarisks, and Raywood Ashes grow together the wonderful Oriental Planetree, whose most ancient specimens have trunks with a diameter of about one meter and a half. There are some points along the river where this kind of vegetation forms a real gallery. Along the banks, the oleanders with their lively flowers and green foliage stand out on the whiteness of the calcareous rock.

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Identity Card
Surface Area: 1'059.62 ha
Provinces: SR
Establishment: 1984
  • Emporio dei Parchi - Acquisti online Dipartimento Regionale Azienda Foreste Demaniali
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