
Riserva Naturale della Confluenza del Bronda

  • Regione Piemonte
Identity Card
Surface Area: 136.04 ha
Provinces: CN
Establishment: 1990
nome fotografia1
Bronda confluence (photo by Archivio Ente di gestione delle aree protette del Monviso)

A Small Reserve not Far from Staffarda Abbey

It is a small reserve covering 136 hectares, situated at about 5 km in the north-west of Saluzzo, not far from the Abbey of Staffarda. The river Po in this area has still got a substantially torrential character with large shores submerged after the floods; along these shores colonized by herbaceous and bushy vegetation, it is possible to find some rare representative of the Italian population of wall lizards. The Bronda is a rather short stream running through the homonymous valley on the orographical right of the river Po.

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  • Regione Piemonte
Identity Card
Surface Area: 136.04 ha
Provinces: CN
Establishment: 1990
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