
Riserva Naturale Lago di Villa


Points of Interest

The Lake

The lake has no natural tributaries; the stability of its level depends on underground supplies and on an irrigation channel crossing the slope on the eastern side and regularly fed either by the Rû d'Arlaz or by the water coming from the Challand area. In the past the lake was used for the irrigation.


The Nature Reserve

The Nature Reserve is characterized by the great contrast between its environment and its vegetation, between the high humidity of the lake and the surrounding areas, and the dryness of the surrounding basin. Through a careful observation of the vegetation of the areas surrounding the lake, it is possible to notice, together with the Common reed (Phragmites communis), numerous species of Reeds and Carixes whose most important element is the extremely rare Downy-fruited Sedge (Carex tomentosa). The waters of the lake house two floating plants that are rare in Valle d'Aosta, like the Amphibious Bistort (polyum amphibium) and the White water lily (Nymphaea alba), while on the banks the Bogbean (Menyanthes trifoliata) grows.

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