
Riserva Naturale del Laurentino Acqua Acetosa

Identity Card
Surface Area: 168.00 ha
Provinces: RM
Establishment: 1997
nome fotografia1
Frog - Laurentino Acqua Acetosa Nature Reserve (photo by RomaNatura)

The area is delimited in the north by the buildings of Laurentino 38, and extends between via Pontina and the area of Acqua Acetosa. The morphology of the area develops in a valley where Acqua Acetosa ditch runs and where mineral water springs. The existing vegetation, considerably reduced and changed by the intense agricultural exploitation and by urbanization, populates the slopes and the wetlands. There are also residual ilex tree and Downy oak woodlands; moreover, there are also willows, poplars, and vegetational strips (garigue) deriving from the Mediterranean maquis. Along the roads and trails that have been recently opened, there are also rows of eucalyptus trees.

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Identity Card
Surface Area: 168.00 ha
Provinces: RM
Establishment: 1997
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