
Riserva Naturale Macchia di Gattaceca e Macchia del Barco


La Riserva Naturale Macchia di Gattaceca e Macchia del Barco

History of a landscape: the karstic phenomena and man

The images, sounds, colors, and settings intercalated with descriptions and comments by the researchers who have studied these territories represent the structure of this video that the Environment Service of the Province of Rome has published to promote the knowledge of Macchia di Gattaceca e del Barco Nature Reserve. The documentary describes the features of this protected area, as well as its important vegetational and floristic value for the marked karstic phenomena it shows with dolines, caves, sinkholes of great geological interest, including the famous Pozzo del Merro, one of the deepest flooded sinkholes of the world.
  • Edited by: Provincia di Roma - Assessorato alle Politiche dell'Agricoltura - V - Servizio Ambiente
  • Duration: 15'
  • Year: 2008
  • Text language:
La Riserva Naturale Macchia di Gattaceca e Macchia del Barco
La Riserva Naturale Macchia di Gattaceca e Macchia del Barco
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