the historical cultivations (vineyard and olive grove), a careful
management of other local resources is one of the Park's aims: from the
aromatic herbs to the processing of the chestnut in gastronomy and in
perfumes, with the possibility to create a number of microactivities
able to make the territory revive, promoting at the same time an
interesting economic perspective which favors their active
maintenance. The park aims at making these activities real with the
creation of a lab where it is possible to transform the herbs in
essences and cosmetic products.
Another important purpose lies in
the progressive introduction of naturopathy techniques, of prevention
and health education: the Park would like to become a reference point
for a cultural tourism looking for psycho-physical health, which is
linked to the essential need of respecting the environment, of having a
lifestyle in harmony with natural laws and leading to a better quality
of life. The model of ecocompatible development provided by the Park
does not only deal with the naturalistic and marine biology aspects,
but also with the whole Cinque Terre ecosystem which forms itself and
preserves itself thanks to men who settle here with their culture; as a
matter of fact, naturophaty includes all the branches of natural
medicine, sometimes called complementary and other times alternative,
which are based on very ancient knowledge of man about nature, revised
and corrected by modern science and modern technology.
The most
important aim is to give birth to a general process of sustainable
development, by improving the quality of life of the individuals and
trying to demonstrate that economic competitiveness and environmental
compatibility are not one against the other, but can find a process to
blend with the right balance.