
Area Marina Protetta Torre Guaceto


Products: Oil

The Production System

The agricultural system of Torre Guaceto protected area covers about the 70% of the total surface area of the Nature Reserve. It mainly involves the area upstream SS road 379 and is characterized by an interesting cultural diversity.
Near Serranova Castle and up to Punta Penna Grossa, there are centuries-old olive groves formed by monumental trees with irregular and wonderful shapes. In order to safeguard these living monuments, the project "Oro del Parco" (Gold of the Park) was born, with the aim to promote the production of organic extra-virgin olive oil.
The project has been welcomed with such enthusiasm that today the label "Oro del Parco" is also used for other organic agricultural products; as a matter of fact, in the flattest areas of the coast tomatoes, grapes, artichokes, melons, and other vegetables with the characteristic Mediterranean taste are cultivated. In order to safeguard biodiversity, a recovery project dedicated to the local ecotype of Fiaschetto tomato was started. This tomato, sweet and juicy, is part of the gastronomy history of these lands. Saved from extinction, is today cultivated in the flat areas of the Nature Reserve with organic methods and has become a "Slow Food Presidium".

In zone C of the marine protected area, the fishermen living in the Municipalities of Brindisi and Carovigno practice small-scale coastal fishing. The latter, in collaboration with the Park Authority, have drawn up sustainable fishing specifications in order to avoid negative impacts on the fish population. These specifications enabled to obtain greater fishing results with respect to those obtained in the marine areas outside the protected area, still preserving the richness of the fish fauna.

To promote and enhance such products, the Park Authority has contributed together with Slow Food to the creation of the "Comunità degli agricoltori della riserva di Torre Guaceto" (Farming Community of Torre Guaceto Reserve) and "Comunità degli pescatori dell'area marina protetta di Torre Guaceto" (Fishing Community of Torre Guaceto Marine Protected Area. The communities will participate to national and international events promoting the territory and its products, supporting the Nature Reserve in the implementation of sustainable development policies.

Olive tree
Olive tree
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The Gold of the Park
Torre Guaceto State Nature Reserve is situated in the municipal territory of Carovigno and Brindisi and covers a surface area of 1,114 ha, out of which 864 ha (the 77%) are interested by agricultural cultivations. This feature highlights the importance...
Category: Oil
Quality Brands:
BIO - Organic Farming
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