Area Marina Protetta Torre Guaceto
Points of Interest
Archaeological Sites
- Santa Sabina (Roman Age)
In the
territory near Via Traiana, seat of the post station which was called
"ad Speclulas" because of the presence of several caves in the area,
several finds belonging to the ancient Messapi population, golden and
silver coins, an Egyptian coin, the statue of a Roman goddess, and
fifteen funnel-shaped graves have been discovered.
- Torre Guaceto (Roman Age)
its position between the sea and Via Traiana, this location was used by
the Romans as harbor. Archeological area of considerable importance,
here agricultural goods (oil, wine, wheat) were boarded together with
amphorae which were produced without a doubt in the kilns along the
coast, like those found in the south, in location Apani.

- Dentice di Frasso Castle
in a high position and incorporated in the urban walls system, it has a
triangular plan with three keeps at its sides: the most ancient one has
a quadrangular shape (11th century), one is circular and the third is
almond-shaped, one of the few examples in Italy. It was built at the
end of the 14th century on a more ancient nucleus dating back to the
11th century. Goffredo III from Monte Scaglioso lived here first, and
after him the Suevian Roberto di Biccari.
- Serranova Castle
near the district of Serranova, this castle was built by the
middle-class nobleman Ottavio Serra next to an adjacent keep dating
back to the Norman period. The small church of the Crucifix leans
against the castle: characterized by a simple architecture, it
preserves inside an 18th century wooden crucifix to which the citizens
are particularly devoted, since they believe it works miracles: during
the periods of drought, the church becomes a destination for pilgrims
who want to avert eventual disasters.
- Maria Santissima di Belvedere Sanctuary
on preexisting rupestrian crypts, it is painted with frescoes imitating
the Byzantine style. The chapel and the dormitory were built on an
ancient hill; the lateral altar is painted with a fresco portraying the
Madonna. The chapel was built thanks to the devotion of the people from
Carovigno to the Virgin Mary.
- Sant'Anna Church (17th century)
between the end of the 17th century and the beginning of the following
century by the Imperiali family. It was "Jus Patronatus" of Michele
Imperiale, the feudal lord of Carovigno. The church, adjacent to the
castle, followed all its events, becoming the private chapel of the
feudal lords who succeeded.
- Carmine Church (17th century)
the main avenue of the town, we can admire inside it frescoes dating
back to the 17th century and representing the Last Supper, together
with a painting representing San Lorenzo, by an unknown painter.
- Matrice Church (16th century)
building is dedicated to the Assumption and is situated along the road
linking Porta Brindisi to Porta Nuova. The Church was enlarged in the
16th century.
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