
Riserva Naturale dell'Orrido di Chianocco

Identity Card
Surface Area: 26.10 ha
Provinces: TO
Establishment: 1980
nome fotografia1
Vallone Gravio (photo by PR Orsiera Rocciavrè)

Orrido di Chianocco Nature Reserve, established with the aim to safeguard the only spontaneous station of ilex tree in Piedmont, covers 26 hectares in the territory of the Municipality of Chianocco. It includes the homonymous ravine, a deep cut large about 10 meters and deep about 50, dug by torrent Prebèc in the carbonate rocks characterizing this section of Valle Susa and a small section of the overhanging valley.

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Identity Card
Surface Area: 26.10 ha
Provinces: TO
Establishment: 1980
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