
Riserva Naturale della Palude di Casalbeltrame

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Observation hut - Palude di Casalbeltrame (photo by PR Lame Sesia)

An Ideal Habitat for Migratory Birds

The marsh is the ideal habitat for several species of resident and nesting birds, as well as a stop for the migratory species traveling along the strip between Ticino and Sesia. Among them the common teal, the moorhen, the little grebe, the great egret, the gray heron, the cattle egret, the bittern, the little bittern, the little egret, and the black-winged stilt. Several hundreds of sacred ibis also spend the winter here. (Visits are allowed only together with a tour guide authorized by the Park).

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  • Regione Piemonte
Identity Card
Surface Area: 640.16 ha
Provinces: NO
Establishment: 1984
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