
Riserva Naturale Orientata Rupe di Campotrera


At School with the Park

The Sustainability Education Center at the Parchi Centrali Emilia (CEAS) is in charge of the nature education, training, and information activities of the Parchi Emilia Centrale Parks Authority, with the aim of spreading knowledge of the territory's naturalistic, historical and cultural features and values and promoting education for the protection of biodiversity and sustainable development.

The CEAS plans and implements educational paths for schools with educational visits lasting one or more days and organises training and refresher courses for teachers. Should interest emerge for specific topics, the CEAS coordinators can make themselves available for dedicated co-designs.

The didactic-educational activities proposed by the CEAS make it possible to carry out in-depth studies on naturalistic, environmental and historical topics that can be effectively integrated with the educational offerings of schools. In addition, they represent a tool for reflecting and raising the awareness of the new generations on the human-environment relationship in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals set out in the UN's Agenda 2030.

Educational activities are developed with a multidisciplinary approach and aimed at all educational levels. They are structured with excursions in the territory, in protected areas and/or green spaces of the school or other suitable places, practical activities in the field and also classroom meetings.

The CEAS planning and didactic organisation are managed by CEAS coordinators, while the activities in schools are by specialized external professionals. The educational activities, in particular, are organised by environmental excursion guides (GAE) legally recognized by current legislation. 

For further information: CEAS Parchi Emilia Centrale, mobile phone: +39 337 1486039 - +39 388 7969269 - E-mail:

Click here to find all the Environmental Education Proposals (Italian text)

At School with the Park
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