Also known as Palù di Bondone, it is what remains of a Late Glacial marsh, and is characterised by wet meadows, fens, eriophorum mires, and sphagnum bogs. It was originated when peat filled a vast lake which had formed within the moraine sediment left by glaciations. The wettest area, which constitutes an example of Alpine fen, is surrounded by prairies and matgrass (Nardus stricta) pastures, which are also used for hay baths (phytobalneotherapy). Although progressively drying up, the pools are extremely important for the life and reproduction of amphibians: common frogs (Rana temporaria), common toads (Bufo bufo) and Alpine newts (Triturus alpestris) have their breeding ground here. This mire is also the natural habitat for several invertebrates. Trentino’s only water beetles Agabus nebulosus were found here. Among the most interesting plants, there are Eriophorum alpinum, Carex davalliana, Carex dioica, Carex lasiocarpa, Drosera rotundifolia, Primula farinosa, Bartsia alpina, Salix rosmarinifolia, Pinguicola vulgaris, Menyanthes trifoliata.