The Reserve is located in Val del Merlo, a glacial valley going up from Piana delle Viote until Tre Cime (three peaks) on Mount Bondone. Prairies and Norway spruces are more common in the lower part of the Reserve, whereas mugo pine woods and Alpine habitats occupy the higher zones. Among the ungulates, deers, roe deers, and (at higher altitudes) some groups of chamois are occasionally spotted. About forty bird species also live in the Reserve, and special measures are in force to protect some of them. Golden eagles, black kites, peregrine falcons, and rock partridges are some of the birds nesting here. Also, there are several black grouse lekking arenas. As far as flora is concerned, you can find interesting species like Geranium argenteum and Paeonia officinalis. Vulnerable Artemisia nitda grows on the rock cliffs, and Symbrium austriacum is sheltered under protruding rocks. On the screes, Festuca spectabilis.