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(photo by RR Tuscania)

Nature, History, Archaeology...

Tuscania Nature Reserve, established in 1997 with L.R. 29, covers 1,901 ha in the Municipality of Tuscania. The territory of the Reserve is mainly dominated by hills. The horizon is characterized by furrows and ravines of great landscape value, rich in vegetation, in which the river Marta and its tributaries run. The signs of the past are everywhere, and in some places it is still possible to see the structures of the typical landscapes of this part of Italy housing the luxuriant roughness of the inner Maremma Laziale, the slopes of the coastal Maremma, and the sequence of plains and gorges of the interior Etruria of the area of Viterbo.

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Identity Card
Surface Area: 1'901.00 ha
Provinces: VT
Establishment: 1997
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