
Brovadâr di Moggio

The Brovadâr is a traditional product from the Municipality of Moggio Udinese, in particular from the Aupa Valley, obtained through the processing of a small type of turnip (Brassica rapa) of late sowing time.
This vegetable is cultivated in small plots before the soil freeze, and after the harvest, just a little time before All Saints' Day, it is processed. The turnips are parboiled and then laid inside small wooden containers filled with a liquid with low salt levels, then they are pressed thanks to a weight put on the surface.

This is a mainly homemade food, but the Brovadâr is often served in the local restaurants. It can be used to prepare the typical vegetable soup or as side dishes to be served with pork meat or as salad.

In the last two years, thanks to a joined project of the local government also supported by the local Pro Loco and Park Authority, the interest in the product has increased and for this reason a specific celebration has been organized, publications and videos have been realized and training courses are carried out.

Project partners: local producers, Municipality of Moggio udinese, Pro Loco Moggese, Prealpi Giulie Natural Park Authority.

Brovadâr of Moggio
Brovadâr of Moggio
Processing of the Brovadâr of Moggio Udinese
Processing of the Brovadâr of Moggio Udinese
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