
Riserva Naturale Valle del Freddo



Didactic Activities 2010/2011

The best way to safeguard PLIS (local park involving more Municipalities) areas is not represented by the enforcement of prohibitions or access preclusion in order to limit the impact of an unrestrained and irresponsible human presence, but strategically through the education and participation of the people in the maintenance of the environment through appropriate behaviors. For this reason, environmental education is essential. This transversal discipline aims at educating individuals and communities to live in a complex environmental context, both from a natural and cultural point of view, instilling essential values, knowledge, and behaviors to achieve a responsible participation in the management of the environmental heritage. Therefore, environmental education is important to pursue the development of nature and the maintenance of the landscape.

Education Center
Besides the route, in the Museum (education center) it is possible to watch at a multimedia projection on the Reserve and exhibit panels.
In May, June, and July:

- on Saturday afternoon and Sunday, the whole day: free admittance (only guided tours)
- during the week: by previous booking.           

CEAR Educational Proposals - (Environmental education and residential center)                                    

Further territorial proposals - (Alto Sebino Park)

Click here to find all the Environmental Education Proposals (Italian text)

Didactic Activities 2010/2011Natural Science Museum in Lovere
Natural Science Museum in Lovere
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