  • Regione Piemonte
Identity Card
Surface Area: 2'635.33 ha
Provinces: TO
Establishment: 1993
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La Vauda Nature Reserve with Specific Purposes (photo by RR La Vauda)
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La Vauda Nature Reserve with Specific Purposes (photo by RR La Vauda)
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Gentian (photo by RR La Vauda)

The area is characterized by a wide plain scattered with ponds and small lakes with several depressions and drainage backwaters reminding of Baraggia in the area of Vercelli.
The wetlands and moorlands (relicts of piedmont moorlands) are characterized by a steppe-like vegetation based on heathers and Graminaceae with the association of several botanical species which are not rare, but neither excessively widespread. The archaeological features are also very interesting, even if up to now only isolated surveys demonstrating the presence of Lombard finds have been carried out.

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  • Regione Piemonte
Identity Card
Surface Area: 2'635.33 ha
Provinces: TO
Establishment: 1993
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