

Environmental Education Program

This year, the program involves two new associations, one working in the environmental field and the other in the cultural field. These associations, like those working with us in the past (LIPU, CAI, CIRS, WWF, etc.), give an extraordinary contribution to promote the knowledge of our wonderful island, rich in natural, environmental, and artistic beauties. Therefore, we would like to thank the Association "La Poiana", whose members have a lot of experience in the environmental field, and the Archaeological Association "Dreapanon", belonging to the GA group (Archeology Groups of Italy), whose archeo-trekking combine archeology with the pleasure of an outdoor walk.

A Reserve of Imagination…
There are so many ways to discover a protected area, and we would like to suggest a new way based on sensory perception rather than on mind intuitions, leading you to discover the small concealed worlds and to appreciate the wonders and magic of our land.
During our activities, you will probably not hear either plant names or long lessons on flora, fauna, or geology; we will invite you to carry out a journey back in time, we will talk to you about trees, you will use strange objects like a underscope or a smell-catcher and let the carob tree offer you its wine and the bees their honey.
You will follow the route of the sun across Zingaro and you will realize that you have never used the trails made by man, by that you have discovered many trails created by nature.

For info and bookings: Riserva Naturale Orientata dello "Zingaro" - Via Segesta, 197 - 91014 Castellammare del Golfo (TP) - Tel. +39 0924 35108 - Fax +39 0924 35752 - - E-mail: -

Click here to find all the Environmental Education Proposals (Italian text)

Environmental Education ProgramEnvironmental Education Program
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