The Night of the Shooting Stars in the Italian Parks
These news come directly from the web pages "Events" of each "Ente Parco": if you want to receive a preview of them in your E-mail, contact us! |
On 9th August in the Parco Naturale Regionale di Portofino (Liguria, very near Genova)
Waiting for the Shooting Stars
The Ente Parco di Portofino organizes on Saturday 9th August the demanding excursion "Aspettando le stelle cadenti": the nights of August, and especially the ones around San Lorenzo, recall the attention of those people fond of shooting stars. By going along the charming paths of the Park, led by an expert, we will reach a panoramic location far from the city lights and we will learn to carefully observe the constellations and the shooting stars which in this period can be easily seen.
The appointment is at 9.00 p.m. at the parking area of Portofino Vetta and the return will be at about 1.00 a.m. in Portofino Vetta (GE). The participation fee is of 7,00 Euros. It is advisable to bring electric torch and binoculars.
The booking is compulsory and must be made within midday on Wednesday 6th August.
For information and bookings: Ente Parco di Portofino - Tel. 0185283480 - Fax 0185285706 - E-mail: lt.parcodiportofino@libero.it
Further info about the Parco di Portofino |
On 7th and 8th August in the Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio (Lombardia and Trentino Alto Adige, near Milano and very near Trento)
In the Park, Under the Stars
The Ente Parco dello Stelvio organizes several summer events among which, on Thursday 7th August, an excursion along the paths of the Park in the evening, to listen to the many words of silence. The excursion leaves every Thursday (until 19th September) at 9.00 p.m. from the Visitor Center of Rabbi Fonti, in Val di Rabbi (TN).
On Friday 8th another excursion by night will take place, with departure at 9.00 p.m. alternatively from the Visitor Center in Cogolo (TN) or from the Information Point in Peio Fonti, in Val di Peio (TN). The excursion will take place every Friday until 19th September.
The participation fee for each excursion is of Euros 4,50 per person.
The subscriptions must be made within 6.30 p.m. of the day before the chosen excursion.
For organized groups of 20 persons it is possible to organize the excursion in different dates.
For further information, please contact the Ente Parco: Tel. 0463/903046 - Fax 0463/903047 E-mail: info.tn@stelviopark.it
Further info about the Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio |
On 9th August in the Parco Naturale Regionale del Beigua (Liguria, very near Genova)
Under a Sea of Stars!
The Ente Parco del Beigua suggests in August a series of initiatives, among which we signal on Saturday 9th the medium-difficult excursion "Sotto un mare di Stelle!", organized in collaboration with the Gruppo Astrofili Savonese and with the Gruppo Sportivo Stella S.Bernardo.
From the church of Stella S.Bernardo we will follow the road until we reach the location Lunghini, where a narrow dirt road leads up to the Rocca della Puma; here we will enjoy a wonderful view towards Mt. Beigua and the coast. When we reach the meadow of Ne Fosse (where the soldiers who died in the struggle between the troops of Napoleon Bonaparte and the Austrian troops were buried) and we abandon the lights of the surrounding towns, we will admire the shooting stars and listen to the nocturnal sounds of nature. At the end of the excursion there will be the possibility to have a snack under the stars (optional, on payment).
The appointment is at 5.30 p.m. at the Church of Stella S.Bernardo (Stella - SV). The length of the excursion will be about 3,5 hours, plus a stop for the dinner. It is necessary to bring torch, wind-jacket, water-proof towel.
The cost of the excursion is 3 Euros. The booking is compulsory and must be made within 5.00 p.m. of Thursday 7th August in the Parks Offices: Tel. 019/84187300 - Fax 019/84187305 Mobile of the Guide: 335/355357 (Saturday and Sunday).
For further information, please contact the Ente Parco del Beigua: Corso Italia, 3 - 17100 Savona - Tel. 019/84187300 - Fax 019/84187305 - E-mail: beigua@tin.it
Farm Holidays in the Parco del Beigua
Further info about the Parco del Beigua |
On 10th August in the Parco Nazionale del Vesuvio (Campania, very near Napoli)
S. Lorenzo, 'O Vesuvio e i Desideri sott 'e Stelle
Another appointment with the summer initiatives organized by the cooperative Tu.Te.L.A., acronym of TUrismo TErra Lavoro Ambiente, with the support of the Ente Parco Nazionale del Vesuvio within the event called Vesuvio e Notte.
As a matter of fact, on Sunday 10th August "S. Lorenzo, o Vesuvio e i desideri sott e stelle" will take place: the appointment with one of the most beautiful natural shows, that is the observation of the shooting stars during the night of S. Lorenzo. Having the opportunity to see it in the Park and missing it means not to be able to understand what nature offers to us.
The meeting point is in Ottaviano (NA), provincial road Ottaviano - Monte Somma (via Panoramica), at the beginning of the path n.1 of the Parco Nazionale del Vesuvio called La Valle dellInferno. The departure will be at 9.00 p.m.
For further information, please contact the Ente Parco Nazionale del Vesuvio - Piazza Municipio, 8 - 80040 San Sebastiano al Vesuvio (NA) - Tel: 081/7710911 - Fax: 081/7718215 - E-mail: protocollo@vesuviopark.it
Further info about the Parco Nazionale del Vesuvio |
On 10th August in the Parchi e Riserve Naturali Astigiani (Piemonte, very near Torino)
Goblets of Stars
The Ente Parchi Astigiani, the Municipality of Rocchetta Tanaro, the Producers and the local wine shops, together with the Local Tourist Board, organize a national event taking place every year on 10th August in some of the most beautiful Italian squares.
In the magic atmosphere of the night of S. Lorenzo, in the charming frame of the Fattoria Roceta in the Parco di Rocchetta Tanaro (AT), among dance, poems, and music dealing with Bacchus, we will toast with the best wines of the local cellars together with the local typical products.
The appointment with the event Calici di Stelle has a double aim: spreading the culture of quality wine and leading to the discovery of the local typical products.
For further information: Tel. 0141/592091 - E-mail: enteparchi@parchiastigiani.it - Tel. 0141/644123 - E-mail: rocchettatanaro@tin.it
Further info about the Parchi e Riserve Astigiani |
On 10th August in the Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini (Marche and Umbria, near Ancona and Perugia)
A Night of Stars
There are two appointments with the Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini in the night of Sunday 10th August.
We will begin with "Una notte di stelle", a naturalistic walk suitable to everyone (4 hours) dedicated to the knowledge and the observation of the sky with the telescope.
The appointment with the Guide Francesco Rotondi is at the Casa del Parco in Norcia (PG), and the cost is of Euros 5.
The second appointment is with "La notte di San Lorenzo", a 8-hour long naturalistic itinerary by night for adults: waiting for the night, following the stars and the shiny moon to reach the highest peak of the Sibillini mountains and admire the dawn at 2476 m of height.
The appointment with the Guide Amedeo de Santis is at the Casa del Parco in Arquata del Tronto (AP), and the cost is of 8 Euros.
For the bookings, please contact the Case del Parco.
For further information, please contact the Associazione delle Guide del Parco - Tel. 335/216748 - E-mail: cpforti@tin.it
Further info about the Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini |
On 10th August in the Parco Regionale dei Sassi di Roccamalatina (Emilia-Romagna, very near Bologna)
San Lorenzo
Wishes in a Star
The Ente Parco dei Sassi di Roccamalatina in collaboration with the Association "Natura W" and within the initiative "Idee in cammino" organizes on Sunday 10th August the walk San Lorenzo... desideri in una stella: the sky has always led man to dream up, for this reason the night of San Lorenzo is a special night full or mysteries and of legends. Taking ones mind off everyday life for a little bit, abandoning oneself and looking at the sky in the night of the shooting stars
maybe some concealed wish will come true!
The animation is organized by Roberto Calastri (expert in astronomy from the Antares group) and by Claudio Moventi (writer). It is advisable to bring an electric torch and a cloth to sit down. Optional dinner, Euros 12.
The meeting point is the parking area Camping Eco Chiocciola in Maserno (MO), at 7.30 p.m. if you want to have dinner, at 9.30 p.m. without dinner.
For information, please contact Gianni Genzale: Tel. 059/535477 - 340/2576781 - E-mail: gianni.gen@tiscalinet.it
Further info about the Parco dei Sassi di Roccamalatina |
On 10th and 12th August in the Parco Sasso Simone Simoncello (Marche, near Ancona)
Under the Stars and at the Moon Light on the Gullies
The Ente Parco organizes on Sunday 10th August the observation of the stars in the most charming night of the summer in location Eremo del Monte Carpegna (PU) at 9.30 p.m.
The excursion is free. However, it is advisable to book at the Parks Visitor Center.
Moreover, on Tuesday 12th August there will be an excursion by night from Case Barboni to Sasso Simone along the path of the gullies (difference in height: from 981m to 1204m).
The meeting point is in the Square of Miratoio di Pennabilli (PU) at 9.00 p.m.; at the moment of the return, at about 11.00 p.m., there will be a tasting of typical products.
The cost of the excursion varies between 3 and 5 Euros per participant. In case of bad weather, the event will be postponed.
The booking is compulsory and must be made within Monday 11th August at the Parks Visitor Center: Via Montefeltresca, 157 - 61020 Pietrarubbia (PU) - Tel. and Fax 0722/75350 - E-mail: centrovisite@libero.it (from Tuesday to Sunday: 10.00 a.m. -12.00 a.m.; on Saturday and Sunday also: 4.00 p.m. -5.30 p.m.).
For further information about the events organized by the Ente Parco Naturale Regionale del Sasso Simone e Simoncello:
www.parcosimone.org - E-mail: parcosassosimone@provincia.ps.it
Further info about the Parco Sasso Simone Simoncello |
On 7th, 12th and 13th August in the Parco Nazionale della Val Grande (Piemonte, near Torino)
Emotions By Night
The Ente Parco della Val Grande suggests in August a series of excursions with different difficulties and issues.
On Thursday 7th August "La strada della calce" (Fondighebbi - Le Fornaci - A. Scaredi - Lago del Marmo), a medium-difficult historical and geological itinerary during which we will discover how for centuries the calcareous rock outcropping near Lago del Marmo has been used to feed the kilns of Val Loana. The Guide is Renato Cresta and the cost per person is 16 Euros.
The meeting point is in Malesco (VB), at the Parks Information Point, 8.30 p.m.
On Tuesday 12th August "Emozioni in una notte di luna" (Alpe Gabbio - Alpe Trecciura - M.te Todano - Pian Cavallone), an easy naturalistic itinerary by night to listen to the sounds and silences of the Park and live nocturnal emotions. Return at the light of the full moon. Possibility of overnight stay (CAI members Euros 8, other people Euros 16). The Guide is Marco Barbetta and the cost per person is of 10 Euros. The meeting point is at the Visitor Center in Intragna (VB) at 9.00 p.m.
On Wednesday 13th August "Allalba della storia" (Cicogna - A. Prà - Pogallo - Cicogna), an easy historical-naturalistic itinerary with the Guide Lorella Canesso who will lead us along ancient paths at the discovery of rupestral engravings, terracing, mule tracks, and alpine summer pastures.
The booking is compulsory and must be made at the Parco Nazionale Val Grande at least 4 days in advance. The excursions will take place with a minimum of 5 bookings. Less than 14-year-old children pay half ticket if they are accompanied by their parents. In case of bad weather or other problems, the itineraries can change at the Guides discretion.
For information and bookings: Ente Parco Nazionale Val Grande - Villa S. Remigio Verbania Pallanza - Tel. 0323/557960 - Fax 032/556397 - E-mail: pvgrande@tin.it
Further info about the Parco Nazionale della Val Grande |