
Zona di Salvaguardia dei Boschi e delle Rocche del Roero


Points of Interest

Roero Area

Roero area involves the territory of 23 Municipalities (22 in the Province of Cuneo and 1 - Cisterna d'Asti - in the Province of Asti), as well as part of the territories of Alba and Bra. Roero landscape reflects a complex history going back to the first prehistorical settlements (Neolithic), to the presence of Liguri people, the Roman Empire which built a thick road network, fortified centers (the so-called "Castelleri") and introduced and developed wine growing. Longobards, Latins, and Saracens left traces in the local toponymy.
In 901, the Bishop of Asti received from the Emperor the 5 parish churches existing at that time (San Vittore di Canale, San Pietro di Novelle in Monteu, San Martino di Vezza, San Giovanni di Villa in Guarene, San Pietro di Piobesi). The spiritual jurisdiction extended to all the Roero area and to the important woodland called "Nemus Cellar" or "Silva popularis", going beyond the line of the Rocche from Bra to Cellarengo. The Bishop's temporary jurisdiction, locally practiced by lords, was subsequently spoiled by the Commune of Asti, against which the Lega dell'Astisio formed in 1199.
The settlements at the top of the Rocche developed at the end of the 13th century for defensive needs; they grew more and more for the abandonment of isolated buildings and parish churches in a period in which the division of the local power led to uncertain balances and continuous struggles. In this period, the main noble and middle-class families from Asti (Malabaila, Alfieri, Solaro, Isnardi, Falletti, etc.) came on stage. Roero area became involved in the struggles between the French and the Spanish (1500) during which, on 14th April 1544, Ceresole battle was fought and won by the French of Duke d'Enghien and the Peace of Crepy was signed. With the restoration carried out by the Savoia family, Duke Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia imposed his control over the Roero area, used afterwards as a base of the operations for the succession to the Monferrato Dukedom. The struggles between the French, the Spanish and the Savoia family went on in the following century, and the whole territory suffered from destruction and sacks. The 18th century gave way to the flourishing of Piedmont Baroque style, which inspired the architecture of several churches and buildings, also to the detriment of the previous Romanesque-style buildings. At the end of the 18th century the French imposed themselves through a series of events involving all the southern part of Piedmont, and opened a way to the Napoleonic revenge.

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