Germany's different types of protected areas are defined in the Federal Nature Conservation Act (BNatSchG). The main types are nature conservation areas, national parks, biosphere reserves, landscape protection areas, nature parks and Natura 2000 sites, covering about one third of the total country surface. Read more
National parks
| | Parco Nazionale Jasmund | 3.100 ha |
| | Parco Nazionale Lagune della Pomerania Occidentale | 80.500 ha |
| | Parco Nazionale Müritz | 32.200 ha |
Biosphere reserves
| | Flusslandschaft Elbe | 275.893 ha |
| | Schaalsee | 30.900 ha |
| | Südost-Rügen | 22.900 ha |
The photo next to the name of the protected area means that you will find information directly updated by the respective Park Authorities.