National Parks
Marine National Parks
Natural Parks
- Lagoas de Cufada
- Parc Naturel des Mangroves de Cacheu
Protected Areas
Hunting Reserves
- Boé
- Cantanhez Forest
- Ilha de Cofara
- Rio Geba/Rio Mansoa
Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar)
UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve
- Archipel de Bolama - Bilagós
Protected Areas in Guinea Bissau
Guinea Bissau has a weakly developed protected areas network, although several important sites have been established since 1992 (the last review of the national systems of protected areas in the world dates back to this year).
The recently-created protected areas system aims at the protection of the extensive coastal and estuarine mangroves, including long-term planning for the Bijagos Archipelago and the designation of this area as a biosphere reserve; designation of Orango National Park; protection of interesting forest patches at Olon, Lagoa de Cufada and Cantanhez; a survey of coastal fisheries in order to enable conservation proposals; and surveys of marine turtle nesting sites.
Assistance has been received from several countries concerning conservation. IUCN has participated with the Ministry for Rural Development and Agriculture in the development of the National Conservation Strategy and has been also directly involved in planning conservation of the coast zone, including the creation of Bijagos Archipelago Biosphere Reserve.
Moreover, a wetland of international importance (Ramsar) has been recognized, Lagoa de Cufada.
Sources: World Database of Protected Areas, UNEP-WCMC