Protected Areas in Trinidad and Tobago
The Ministry of Public Utilities and the Environment was formed in 2002 and is the National Focal Point for the Convention on Biological Diversity with primary responsibility for the conservation of the biological resources of Trinidad and Tobago. The Ministry's policy and programmes with respect to biological diversity is effected through the following agencies and divisions: Forestry Division, the Environmental Management Authority, Horticultural Services Division the Emperor Valley Zoo.
In particular, the Forestry Division has responsibility for managing the Forest Reserves, Prohibited Areas and Game Sanctuaries as well as the exploitation of timber and game resources under the Forests Act and the Conservation of Wildlife Act. The Division also functions as the country’s technical focal point for the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands and the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species. As technical focal point the Division is responsible for ensuring that the country meets its international mandate under these two conventions.
Management and administration of the Forest Reserves are carried out within six (6) Forest Conservancies which are the regional geographical units established for the purpose of forest administration and watershed management on state lands. The Division also has two specialized sections that are responsible for wildlife and national parks management.
The Wildlife Section was developed in 1981 from a sub-unit of the Forestry Division in the 1950s consisting of Game Wardens, supervised by a Forester.
The National Parks Section has responsibility for protecting in perpetuity those areas of the country which represent significant examples of the country’s natural heritage in such judicious ways and means which will leave it unimpaired for the benefit of future generations. A primary focus of the Section has been environmental education and sensitization in schools and communities particularly in the north east region, and the development of interpretive centers in the areas under its direct management. These areas include:
- San Fernando Hill National Landmark
- Caura Recreation Site
- Quinam Recreation Site
- Cleaver Woods Recreation Park
- Aripo Savannas Scientific Reserve
It is to be noted that the only area recognized legally is the Aripo Savannas, which is a Prohibited Area. The Forests Act does not provide for the designation of areas of the country as national parks or recreation areas.
Source: Republic of Trinidad and Tobago - Biodiversity Clearing House - WCPA